Natural Dye Plant List

Want to plant a natural dye garden but not sure where to start?

I created this quick guide plant list to go from overwhelmed to excited about getting started!

I've grown and dyed my specialty wools with all of these plants!

In this quick guide, I'll share with you:

  • How to get the full rainbow of colors in your garden with just 7 easy-to-grow dye plants! (really you only need 3 colors to get the rainbow, but 7 is way more fun!)

  • Which hardiness zones these plants can grow in

  • Pictures of each plant growing in my own dye garden!

  • Samples of my wools dyed with those plants!

Hi! I'm Jean

I love natural dyeing so much I turned my front yard into a dye garden!

When I started my dye garden, I was a complete novice gardener. I'd gown one small vegetable garden years ago (that the slugs loved), and I had weeding duty as a kid in my parents' garden (which I abhorred!).

One of the hardest things when getting started with any garden is deciding what to plant. I found endless lists of plants people use to dye fibers, but really had a hard time deciding which ones would be best to start with.

I created this quick guide to help you get started with 7 easy-to-grow plants that will yield the entire rainbow of colors on fiber!

Once you get a few plants under your belt, you can start experimenting each year with new-to-you plants.

